If you ordered the wrong item or are not happy with your purchase you can return it to us for a refund within 14 days of receiving your order. Please see below for full terms and conditions of returns.
If you request a refund within 14 days of receiving the item, we will refund the cost of the item/s only (not any initial or subsequent shipping costs) to your original payment method, once the item has been returned to us.
We aim to refund you within 5 working days of receiving your returned item.
All items must be returned to us unused, in their original box. Inspections will take place upon receiving the returned items and if they are in an unsuitable condition the refund will be void and item/s may be shipped back to you.
For refund requests outside of the 14 days, the return will not be accepted.
Please email us at to request a return.
Your request will be processed by customer service and you will be contacted by email (please ensure to check your spam/promotion folders for our reply).
The returns address will be provided in our email once the request has been processed and confirmed (please do not send your items back to us before receiving these instructions).
Please return your item/s to us within 14 days of us accepting your return request.
You may ship with any carrier however we strongly recommend sending back an item with a trackable ID to ensure it reaches us, as we are not liable for any lost items.
You will need to cover the return shipping cost and this will not be refunded.
If you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please contact us immediately at along with photos of your damaged item, and we will let you know how to proceed.